HIT New Platform online! Welcome to join us on F6S startup platform and JEC Korea online 2020! 2020/09/07 HIT New Platform online! Welcome to join us on F6S startup platform and JEC Korea online 2020! We have registered in F6S startup platform, which is the platform of JEC Korea Online 2020. Don’t forget to follow HIT on F6S! https://www.f6s.com/hantopintelligencetechnologvco.ltd1 Brief introduction of JEC Korea Online 2020: The JEC group is leading-edge global industry event and dedicated to advanced composites. Since pandemic of COVID-19 is still spreading, JEC Korea Online 2020 will be held fully online. Attendants will have the chance to gather innovate information by viewing the whole manufacturing chain of composites showcased on the digital platform. There will also be seminars about latest TP CFRP as well as composites in mobility to broaden our horizon. Links for JEC Korea Online 2020: https://www.jec-korea.events/ ←Back