Semiconductor Micro-Drilling of Quartz Glass

  • Difficulties in Machining
  • HIT Achievements
  • Industry Application
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Picture of Artifact:
  • Features
Quartz micro-drilling
Hole Diameter 0.5mm/Depth 5mm (Blind)
  • Difficulties
Difficult in continuously high aspect-ration-drilling(10X)
Severe edge-cracks caused by extreme hardness
Low efficiency for high precision

Comparison of cycle time 
Under the condition of rotary speed <10000 rpm and the quality standard (inlet chipping < 0.1mm, the outlet chipping < 0.2mm), our goal in this validation is to shorten the cycle time to three minutes per hole.

With HIT Ultrasonic machining technology, we have achieved the performance of 1 minute and 44.1 seconds per hole, enhancing 4 times of efficiency under only 8000 rpm operating speed.

Highlights of HIT Ultrasonic Machining Module
Efficiency up to 400%