Semiconductor Deep Hole Drilling of Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic

🕜 1/2 of the original processing time | 📈 Quality - well-maintained | ⚙️ Tool Life - improved 5x
  • Difficulties in Machining
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What makes Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic difficult to machine?

Aluminum Oxide (Alumina, Al2O3), also known as Alumina, is known for its good hardness and strength, wear resistance, etc.  Generally, the higher the purity, the more robust the chemical and electrical performance it displays. 

This material has plenty of excellent mechanical and chemical properties that allow for a wide range of industrial applications.  For instance, its great chemical resistance and thermal stability have made it ideal for key components in semiconductor processing, wafer chucks, as well as CMP plates.

The major difficulties in machining aluminum oxide reside in its material properties of high hardness and brittleness.  Poor hole quality, including massive edge-crakcs and subsurface damages, have become serious challenges during the machining process. 

Especially for deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide ceramic, the cutting force in the conventional CNC machining was too hard to control, which resulted in the occurrence of conical holes.  If the required hole pitch was extremely small, for example 0.2mm in this case, the cutting force may cause serious cracks on the hole wall during the deep hole drilling process. 


☑️ Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Machining Information

   Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Machining Information 
  Material   99.7% Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) ceramic
  Feature   Φ2 x 21mm (through holes)_thickness of hole pitch around 0.2mm
   *aspect ratio 10.5x
  Process   Deep hole drilling  
  Ultrasonic Tool Holder      HSKE40-R02-06
  Rotating Speed   6,000 ~ 8,000 rpm


HIT ultrasonic-assisted machining on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide ceramic workpiece
(Figure 1. HIT ultrasonic-assisted machining on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide ceramic workpiece)

HSK-E40 ultrasonic toolholder was used on aluminum oxide ceramic deep hole drilling
(Figure 2. HSK-E40 ultrasonic toolholder was used on aluminum oxide ceramic deep hole drilling)


HIT's Goal in Machining Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic

The goal is to see the HIT ultrasonic-assisted machining benefits on the deep hole drilling (with very small hole pitch - 0.2mm) of aluminum oxide.


Ultrasonic-Assisted Machining Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Results


Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Deep Hole Drilling : Machining Efficiency

the processing time was reduced to half of the original with HIT ultrasonic on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide
(Figure 3. the processing time was reduced to half of the original with HIT ultrasonic on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide)

  • (Under the same feed rate) With HIT ultrasonic, Q can be raised to 1.5 times higher than the one without ultrasonic (from 0.08mm to 0.2mm).
  • The processing time can then be reduced to only half of the time without ultrasonic, with no obvious impact on the hole quality.


Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Deep Hole Drilling : Hole Quality

the hole diameter was well-maintained under higher machining efficiency with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide
(Figure 4. the hole diameter was well-maintained under higher machining efficiency with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide)

the hole pitch was well-maintained with no conical holes under higher machining efficiency with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide
(Figure 5. the hole pitch was well-maintained with no conical holes under higher machining efficiency with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide)

  • With HIT ultrasonic, the machining efficiency was enhanced (from Q0.08mm to Q0.2mm), and there was no obvious impact on the hole quality.
  • With ultrasonic-assisted machining technology, it helped reduce cutting force, which prevented the occurrence of conical holes.


Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Deep Hole Drilling : Tool Life

the comparison of tool wear condition between Q0.08mm and Q0.2mm with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide
(Figure 6. the comparison of tool wear condition between Q0.08mm and Q0.2mm with HIT ultrasonic-assisted deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide)

the tool life was improved 5 times better with HIT ultrasonic on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide
(Figure 7. the tool life was improved 5 times better with HIT ultrasonic on deep hole drilling of aluminum oxide)

  • When Q was raised from 0.08mm to 0.2mm, the tool could only drill 5 holes before breakage without ultrasonic.
  • With HIT ultrasonic, there was no obvious difference on the tool wear after Q being raised, and the tool could drill up to 25 holes.


HIT Ultrasonic Machining Technology Achievements

🕜 1/2 of the original processing time
📈 Quality - well-maintained
⚙️ Tool Life - improved 5x


Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic Machining in Industry Application

Deep hole drilling Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) Ceramic is often applied in the Semiconductor industry, especially for ceramic nozzles used in the wafer foundry process for the even distribution of chemical gases or liquids.

This material has plenty of excellent mechanical and chemical properties that allow for a wide range of industrial applications.  For instance, its great chemical resistance and thermal stability have made it ideal for key components in semiconductor processing, wafer chucks, as well as CMP plates.

The major difficulties in machining aluminum oxide (alumina, Al2O3) reside in its material properties of high hardness and brittleness.  Poor hole quality, including massive edge-crakcs and subsurface damages, have become serious challenges during the machining process.

That was when HIT's Ultrasonic Machining Module came to help!  HIT offers a comprehensive solution in machining advanced materials.  With the assistance of HIT's Ultrasonic Machining Technology, clients stopped worrying about poor workpiece quality while trying to speed up the processing time.  The machining efficiency can be greatly enhanced while improving the stability in tool life.  HIT assures its clients of not only matching up with their requirements, but also achieving even better outcomes!

💡 Learn more about other HIT Ultrasonic Machining Aluminum Oxide ceramic cases

💡 Introduction on HIT Ultrasonic Machining on advanced materials